
Welcome to our official Website of Nepali Swiss Friendship Society (NSFS)

The Nepali Swiss Friendship Society (NSFS) is founded to promote the many decade long friendship,
cultural and economic ties between Nepal and Switzerland. NSFS is a non-political, non-profit
organization based in Nepal.

Nepalese students, diplomat, development worker, business owners, peace promoters, professional
and scholars who returned home after years of stay and study in Switzerland founded NSFS about
many years ago but finally it was revived with the active participation of founding members in year
2011. Since then, growing number of people and institutions have joined NSFS, and it is only increasing.
Our members are motivated by a common interest in the social, political, cultural and economical
development of Nepal and its friendly people.

Swiss National Day

Swiss National Day celebrated in GATE,Swiss National Day celebrated in GATE,Swiss National Day celebrated in GATE,


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